Other Resources

What CC Means on YouTube & How to Utilize It

As you’re streaming your favorite YouTube channels, you may notice an icon labeled “CC.” So what exactly does the CC mean in YouTube? Why is it there? The CC stands for “Closed Captioning” and while it’s…

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Video Accessibility Playbook and Downloadable Checklist

Creating video content with an accessibility-first mindset is quickly becoming a best practice in the digital era. From closed captioning to downloadable video transcripts, access for everyone is a top priority. And it’s no wonder—with over 19% of the US population…

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Transcribe MP3 to Text

Converting or transcribing your MP3 audio files into text can be a challenge. At least, it used to be a challenge until Rev.com made audio transcription simple…and fast…and affordable. Rev offers several audio to text…

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