Still no Speaker of the House Transcript

Still no Speaker of the House Transcript

Sources say GOP leader Kevin McCarthy has offered a new slate of concessions to a group of Republican representatives who voted against him for speaker. Read the transcript here.

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Speaker 1 (00:01):

… Until we get this done.

Em Nguyen (00:02):

Overnight sources say Kevin McCarthy offered key new concessions hoping to sway far-right Republican holdouts to cast their vote for him as Speaker, a vote he’s now lost six consecutive times. Sources say the concessions include a rule change that would allow one member of the house to call for a vote to oust the future Speaker, down from the original five members required by a previous deal. Another concession on the table, putting more members of the House Freedom Caucus on the Powerful House Rules Committee, and a promise to a vote on bills that conservatives have been pushing on border security and term limits for House members. However, even with those concessions sources, say McCarthy is still unlikely to have the votes needed to secure the Speaker’s gavel.

Speaker 3 (00:45):

The house stands adjourned until noon tomorrow.

Em Nguyen (00:48):

Last night, the House agreed to adjourn instead of holding another vote, giving McCarthy more time to make deals. But in what’s likely a sign of things to come in the narrowly divided House, even the vote to adjourn was a nail biter with four far right Republicans joining all Democrats and voting against adjourning. Some Republicans now say this isn’t so much about McCarthy as it is about not bending to the will of a small minority.

Andy Barr (01:12):

I don’t think the vast majority of pro-McCarthy Republicans in the Congress really think it’s just about Kevin McCarthy. This is about making sure that we do not reward dysfunction, that we set the right precedent and tone at the beginning of this Congress.

Em Nguyen (01:28):

Former President Donald Trump also weighed in again last night saying on social media, “Very good things are happening behind the scenes for the Republican Party. They all love our country and want something to go forward asap.” He has urged the so-called rubble Republicans to fall in line and support McCarthy, but he seemed to have little sway. Even one of his staunchest allies, Lauren Boebert of Colorado refused to back down.

Lauren Boebert (01:51):

Even having my favorite president call us and tell us we need to knock this off. I think it actually needs to be reversed. The president needs to tell Kevin McCarthy that, sir, you do not have the votes and it’s time to withdraw.

Em Nguyen (02:06):

The House is scheduled to return today at noon and until a Speaker is chosen, the House can’t pass any bills or even swear in. Its new members. Former Speaker Nancy Pelosi said last night that the Republican gridlock shows disrespect for the institution.

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