
11 Game-Changing AI Trends for 2024+

If you go online, on social media, or just out in the world in 2024, it’ll be hard not to encounter artificial intelligence. From AI-generated art, to chatbots, virtual agents, or assistants, AI has seeped…

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How to Perform Effective Focus Group Data Analysis

In a focus group, researchers bring together carefully selected individuals to discuss and give feedback on a product or topic. Focus group techniques are most commonly used by marketing, sociology, and healthcare organizations, and tend…

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How to Use Google Docs to Transcribe Audio

You can obtain these transcripts in a number of ways. You could undertake the task yourself (which, frankly, we don’t recommend), outsource the transcription to a fast, accurate, affordable vendor (which, frankly, we strongly recommend),…

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How to Transcribe Audio to Text

To transcribe audio to text accurately, there are only a handful of tools you need. You’ll need a word processor, some kind of audio player and a few free hours.

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