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Larry Elder & Rose McGowan California Recall Campaign Speech Transcript
Actress Rose McGowan campaigned for California gubernatorial candidate Larry Elder on September 12, 2021. She also claimed that current Gov. Gavin Newsom’s wife tried to help cover up abuse. Read the transcript:
Rose McGowan: (00:06) I'm going to stand on my toes. Hi, everybody. Good morning, afternoon. My name is Rose McGowan. I am here visiting the United States of America for the first time in almost two years. And the environment, the energy of it, as so many of you know, is really hardcore. It's not okay. And it seems to be especially strong in California, a state I stayed in and fought for for years, because the land, because the sacrifices that people have made to be here and to make it better. It gives me no great pleasure to call out Democrats. I was a Democrat. The very first activism I did was when my mother sent me out when we first came to America from Italy. I was sent out to pass out cigarettes that said, "Vote Dukakis." For the young people, that guy was never going to win. I still have that cigarette somewhere. I've been involved in politics behind the scenes. I'm fascinated by it for many years and how it really does affect and change lives in more ways than we know. Rose McGowan: (01:28) And for me, when I was younger, I bought the whole right-wing machine coming after Hillary Clinton and sexism, which is true. That's not wrong. But it doesn't mean it wasn't used as a shield to get away with a lot of nasty things. And some point, it had to come to the point where I'm not a Democrat, because everybody who systematically traumatized, terrorized, harassed, stopped and stolen from me during my time in California and in Hollywood has been a Democrat. What a bummer for me. What a bummer to realize that behind the scenes, it's not real. And something people don't know about me, I was also a lobbyist in Washington, DC. I did a lot of strange things because I was [inaudible 00:02:21] in general. It was just a day job for me. I never wanted to be able to discovered. And I thought, "Well..." Rose McGowan: (02:28) After I quickly realized I was stuck on the wrong side of the screen and could not get back out, I thought, "Well, how can I use cameras and microphones eventually to change lives? How can I get to an unfireable position so they can't stop me? I'm going to life hack their system," which is what I'm doing. I'm using their airwaves, their media. For every single one of you [inaudible 00:02:54] really knows what the skinny is, what the truth is, unless you really want to live a lie. And the thing I realized during the lobbying group that I was with, no labels, Republicans and Democrats working across the aisles. What that meant to me, it was like, "Ah, behind the scenes, I got to see them all with the cameras," and they were all pretty much talking to the same game. And they were all in order together. Rose McGowan: (03:25) And I said, "This is horrible." The first real act of public activism I did was not exposing monster Weinstein. It was several years before that. I was at an event a month before the Hillary-Trump election in New Hampshire, and I realized in this room of the most powerful Democrats and Republicans with no cameras there, they were saying who they were. So I tripped a young assistant with a little headpiece. After the Governor speaks, they want you to bring me the microphone. Now, I'd only seen hijacking in movies. So I didn't know what to say when I get up in front of this very powerful room that I'd never... I didn't know where I was that night. So I got up and I said, "This is a hijacking." I didn't know how to express exactly what I was doing. I still really don't know how to express exactly what it is I do. So it gets very confusing for people. I understand that... Can you please turn the dinger off on your phone, by the way. Thank you. Rose McGowan: (04:36) But what I do is tell the truth. It doesn't give me pleasure, believe me. But one truth I do know it's this man here, Larry Elder, I used to listen to Larry Elder after I would drive home from the set, or if I got off early. I would listen to him on AM radio 640, probably the only actress in Hollywood doing so. Sometimes I would even pull over and use a fake name, usually Tracy, to call it and argue, or commend. And from him, I learned about the corruption of the teacher's union and the California state. I learned how the state legislature used to be six months, but then we have to go 12 months because they'll do more work for the people of California. What a lie. What a lie. So I ask you today, do you want to keep living this collective lie? Do you want to start in their movie? Or do you want to be real? Do I agree with him on all points? No. So what? He is the better candidate. He is the better man. And I've heard him for hours and hours and hours for years. Rose McGowan: (05:47) I've really got to know his mind. Thank you. It was nice spending time with you, sir. He's a brilliant man. He cares. He cares about what a lot of us just nitpick at. "You're not saying the right word, or you're not doing this right. You're not inclusive. You're not tolerant." First of all, if someone told me they tolerated me, does that sound like a nice way to think of people or be treated? I don't think so. And I don't know if they smear to me in the media, because so many of the people you work for are part of it and you know it. And I don't know why. I don't know why. What is the game? Is it short-term power? Is it short term gain? What is so... Why would you sell out your people, your citizens, yourself, your family, your loved ones, for what? For money? For the illusion of power? For the stranglehold you have on keeping people undereducated, underemployed, and terrorized by your government? Why? Rose McGowan: (06:58) My enemies do not understand me. Okay, I don't understand them. We're at a fundamental impasse at that point. So imagine my surprise last week when I'm on the Dave Rubin and show, and we're talking about the recall, which I'd only had a tangential awareness of, because I lived in Mexico. I live in the jungle. It took a lot for me to come into the US. I'm scared of this place. It's been very cruel to me. It has not been kind. A lot of people in this country would like to kill that which they don't understand. It's like a cult. I grew up in one. I would know. I know all the markers. Rose McGowan: (07:42) So I'm asking people watching or people reporting on this, first of all, don't report on me as an actress. I hung up that shingle 10 years ago. I fought my way out of that world. I deserve more respect than that. Thank you, as a side note. So imagine my surprise when I'm on air with Dave, and I say, "Yeah." It came back to me. Gavin Newsom's ex wife contacted me. And I said her name. And he said, "That's his current wife." I said, "It is?" I had so many monsters after me during the period that she may contact. An organization called We Are Ultra Violet that I do not trust, a feminist activism group, got ahold of me and said, "Jennifer Siebel Newsom, She's a big producer of feminist films and Hollywood documentary. She's pro women. She'll help you." Rose McGowan: (08:42) I just directed a movie. It was nominated for grand jury prize at Sundance. And because of the consistent and total black listing that I endured for almost all of my career, as haphazard as it was after Weinstein assaulted me, I thought, "Maybe someone will help me finally. Maybe somebody will be real. Maybe. Maybe this will be the one," because I always hope. They haven't taken them away from me. God, they've come close. So after Dave tells me that she's his current wife, on the way home, I go through my emails. And I remember. I said, "Yeah, his ex wife called me and said, what will it take? What can Boies Schiller do to make you happy?" Rose McGowan: (09:30) Now, I had no idea who Boies Schiller was at this point. This was about four and a half months before the edge of Jose that I set up in the New York Times came out. I didn't know David Boies was. I didn't know he was an operator trying to suppress me. At this point, I did not know that he had already gone to former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak of Israel to say, "Who should I hire to stop Rose McGowan?" I did not know. I could feel the shadow of people around me. I found reporting devices in my car in my house, nude photos hacked and disseminate it, courtesy of whom I believed to be Lisa Bloom, another big feminist attorney, another big Democrat. Rose McGowan: (10:19) So when I finally got on the phone with Jennifer Siebel Newsom for what I assumed it was about moving projects, imagine my surprise when she says, "What can Boies Schiller do to make you happy?" And again, I had no idea what that was. So I just said, "Nothing," and hung up on her. That was my last contact with her. And then the exposé broke. And I spent years setting this up, years behind the scenes. [inaudible 00:10:51] return. So then I go through my emails and I remember, upon seeing this long email, where Jennifer Siebel- Rose McGowan: (11:03) ... upon seeing this long email, where Jennifer Siebel Newsom is inferring that she was a Weinstein rape victim to get into this private email group of Weinstein rape victims. And the other day I was reading it and I was like, I had forgotten about this lady. I had forgotten about this treachery because it was so many. It was coming at me every day from all sides. My only goal was to take down some monsters and show people that you do not have to be out there with a picket sign. You do not have to bite at the ankles of power. You do have to cut off his head. And it is a hydra. It is a many-headed beast. You get one down, another pops up. That's what I was doing with, plus global derision, paid off media that Weinstein had paid off for so many years to destroy me because I never signed a nondisclosure agreement. He was right. I was his enemy. And he was correct. I am formidable. Rose McGowan: (12:06) Again, it doesn't make me happy. I always just wanted a life where I could walk in the grass and stare at some trees. Pretty simple, but it didn't turn out that way. So I thought, I'm going to keep life hacking the system, and I don't care if nobody ever believes me, because I was there. I know the truth. I don't believe in gaslighting. I refuse to be tricked. And every line in this email to the Weinstein victims, talking about me and my paranoia and the reason I suspect you to be a spy is because of my trauma. Rose McGowan: (12:42) Please turn off the dings. Thank you. She starts it with, "I'm writing from The Bahamas." Okay. Thanks for being rich. I don't know what you're trying to say. Imagine my surprise as I get deeper and deeper into this, that I find out, and it's not on Google, definitely not on it by the way. On DuckDuckGo, I find out that in fact her brother-in-law is David Boyce's law partner, Schiller's son. So today we will look up DuckDuckGo. We put it in his name, her brother-in-law. I find out he was arrested for beating his wife. Imagine my surprise. Rose McGowan: (13:26) These are your leaders. These are who you vote for. And these are who you are attacking, this man, me, and anybody who's like, "Why not change? Why not be better?" So as an outsider, so not from this country. This country changed my name the first day I got here at 11. My name is Rosa Ariana. They changed it to Rose. I forgot that until two years ago. It has stolen so much. And it does it to all of you. I traveled the world and I've had so many people say to me, "Americans are the uneducated." Not wrong, but they are wrong in this. It's under educated. It's systematic and it's done to you all on purpose, to keep you part of a complicity machine that benefits few. This is not a country or a state for everyone. This is a country for the few. This is a country for people who like hair gel in the Bahamas. That's the reality. Rose McGowan: (14:20) And I really wish I had better news. It gives me no pleasure to be the bearer of truth, which is sometimes ugly. But do you want a society that has gangrene on his leg, but puts on a fancy suit and pretends it's not there while they hobble in pain, or do you want to just stop, look at reality, take your medicine, clean up the wound, and run, run free? Why not change? Why not go to peak? Why not put a stake in the heart of evil? Because that's what this really is. This is good and this is evil. And if you're tired of people looking at this country like it's the Florida of the world, which it is looked upon that way, because it's earned it in a lot of ways. Rose McGowan: (15:10) I know this place has it in it to be better. I know it does. I've met so many good people in this country. Not the elites. Absolutely not. But the person I meet that's the housekeeper at the hotel I'm staying at, who shouldn't even have that title because she's a queen of a woman. And then we have the Jennifer Siebel Newsoms world. Why? Why do you keep choosing them? Why do you keep electing them? Don't listen to their buzzwords. Cult leaders, which is what his people are. I would know. I grew up in one, like I said. They massage your mind. They keep you in fear. They keep you in doubt. I suspect on the inside that this is all a lie, but I don't want to be the one that stands out and takes it on the chin. Rose McGowan: (16:04) Well, I'm here to confirm for you it is a lie. It is a fact. And when I say things, they're like, "I'm sorry you feel that way." I'm like, "I didn't tell you how I felt about it. I told you a fact. That's a different thing." Start noticing in your life how many times people will tell you, "Oh, I'm sorry you feel that way." And start being brave enough to stand out, brave enough to be different, brave enough to challenge. Does it cost? Yes. But if we all do it, it will get so much easier, it will get so much better. Rose McGowan: (16:37) I believe in this man, because I know his mind, and I would like to think on some level, I know his heart. Take away the Republican word, take away the Democrat word. Who do you want to govern you? Someone who cares passionately, even though you may disagree with him on some points. Or do you want somebody who's really operating behind the scenes to keep you all in ignorance while they rob the bank and go to The Bahamas? Rose McGowan: (17:15) My money's on Elder. Not that I have any, because they took that too. Bling. Thank you for listening. Thank you for hearing. And I really appreciate anybody watching or reading this to think differently, to be brave, do something that's weird, like maybe voting Republican, even though it will feel strange. I felt that way when I first went on Fox News. I was like, weird. I get it. But that's okay, because right now y'all are in pickle. It's not going so well here, is it? It's not. I know you can do better. I know you can be better. And I know this is the person that can push that better for all of us, for all of you. Systemic change is what's needed. Go big. This is not going well. Rose McGowan: (18:09) So you have a choice. Stay status quo or be brave. I vote for bravery. I vote for Larry Elder. Larry Elder: (18:22) I want to say a few things about the way I've been covered during this campaign, the way I've been treated during this campaign by all the critical members of the media in this campaign before I get to Mrs. Gavin Newsom. Rose wrote a book called Brave. There's another woman in this room who's very, very brave. Her name is former state senator Gloria Romero. She's a Democrat. She's still a Democrat. She didn't renounce her party, but she crossed party lines in order to support me, primarily because of one issue, and that issue is school choice. She believes and I believe that the money should follow the child rather than the other way around. We're spending about $15,000 per student per year. I think only about 15 or 16 states, we're spending more. And the money should go into an account that the parent chooses because she knows and I know that the kids living in the city are getting the worst teachers, the worst principals, the worst administrators, the worst outcomes. It almost takes an act of Congress to fire a bad teacher. So for that primary reason, she's supporting me. Larry Elder: (19:29) Regarding school choice, speaking of hypocritical, President Barack Obama, when he was living in Indonesia, his stepfather was an oil company executive. He attended a private school that was set up for oil company executives. But his mom felt that school wasn't good enough. She sent him then to Hawaii to live with her parents, and he attended the finest prep school in Hawaii called Punahou. He then comes to Los Angeles after he graduates from high school and goes to a fine private school called Occidental. He finishes up at Columbia, another private school. Then he goes to Harvard. His wife, Michelle Robinson, grew up in Chicago, and while she did attend a public high school, it wasn't her nearby public high school because she thought it wasn't good enough. So she got on a bus and traveled miles away to go to a better high school. Larry Elder: (20:17) The Obama children, Sasha, Malia, they attended a private school that was set up for the teachers who teach at University of Chicago where Obama was a law instructor. And then when the Obamas moved to Washington, DC, Michelle made the big display of the checking out in the public schools, and publicly said she might consider putting the kids in public school. Put them in Sidwell Friends, the same prep school that Chelsea Clinton went to, that cost 40 grand a year. The girls ever set foot in a public school. Obama never set foot in a public school. And Michelle Robinson attended a better high school outside of her area rather than to go to the nearby inferior public school. Then when Obama became president, he shut down the DC Opportunity Scholarship program that was set up by George W. Bush they gave vouchers to kids 12 through K. It was reauthorized under President Trump. Larry Elder: (21:09) My point is the Democratic Party has been the principal obstacle towards urban kids getting the first step towards getting to the middle class, which according to the Brookings Institution, which is the left wing think tank, means at least finish high school, presumably one where you can read, write and compute at grade level. Larry Elder: (21:25) Hypocrisy number two, I was interviewed this morning by Major Garrett, who's now with CBS. He asked me whether or not I thought the recall election would be fair. Would I respect the results? I think I've been asked that question a lot about the 2020 election. And I said to Major, "Just once, I'd like somebody to ask my opponent, Gavin Newsom, does he respect the 2016 election?" Because Hillary for four years referred to that election as having been stolen. Her word, not mine. She didn't say once or twice or three times. She said it constantly for the entire- Larry Elder: (22:03) ... she didn't think to say it once or twice or three times, she said it constantly. For the entire four years of the last administration, she referred to it as stolen. She referred to the former president as illegitimate, not just once, not just twice, constantly. To the point where two-thirds of Democrats falsely believe that the Russians changed vote tallies, even though the Senate report found no such evidence. The Russians tried, but they found not a zero vote tally was changed, yet 66% of Democrats falsely, incorrectly, wrongly believe that vote tallies were changed by the Russians. Larry Elder: (22:35) The Senate report also found no evidence, one way or the other, whether or not the Russians changed the outcome of the election in 2016. According to Gallup, 78% of Democrats believe, "The Russians changed the outcome of the election." But nobody ever asked Gavin Newsom does he believe, as Hillary believes, the election was stolen? And if he doesn't believe that, no one would ever asked Gavin Newsom do you believe her social media platforms should be shut down for promoting this whole so-called " big-lie" about the 2016 election? Larry Elder: (23:04) Hypocrisy number three. The other day in Venice at a homeless encampment some white woman in a gorilla mask threw an egg at me. It would have been a major story if I had a D at the end my name, they'd be talking about it at Bangladesh. It'd be called a hate crime, they'd have a man-hunt for her. But because I have an R at the end of my name, nobody gives a rip. Larry Elder: (23:23) Now, I've never, ever, ever played the race card. I've never told people to vote for me because I'm Black, or to vote against me because I'm Black. But I will tell you something, there was an article on the front page of the New York Times all about me. Negative, of course. Never once mentioned that I am Black, never once mentioned that I would be the first Black governor of California. Larry Elder: (23:42) That's fine with me. But on the same page, a long article about the "first female governor of New York." So it was relevant to the New York Times when, this female governor who only became governor because Cuomo resigned, was the first. But it's not relevant that I'm the first Black governor of California. Hypocrisy, double standard. Larry Elder: (24:03) Now I was accused of sexism because I wrote a column 21 years ago where I was quoting a study from the University of Pennsylvania, Annenberg, where they ask women 25 questions and men 25 questions about politics. And it turns out men knew more than women did of 15 of the questions, they knew the same at nine, and women knew only more in one. And I quoted a female professor, who's still there, and she said the reason women do less is because they get their primary stories from local news. My apologies to the people here from local news. Larry Elder: (24:34) And she said, and I quote, "Watching local news makes you dumber." I didn't say it, she did and all of a sudden I'm sexist and I believe that women are less intelligent than men. I've written 1200 articles, I've written an article once a week since April of 1998, I wrote about the fact that women make more money than men, young women do. I wrote about the fact that there were more women in college than men. I wrote about the fact that when it comes to medical school and law school, the percentages of men and women equally entering medical school and law school is now the same. Larry Elder: (25:04) No one mentioned that, but you find some article I wrote when I was quoting somebody else and now all of a sudden I am a sexist pig. Someone made a false allegation against me, I denied it. You've heard the allegation that rose yesterday about Gavin Newsom's his wife. She made the allegations... What? Three days ago? Where's the Washington Post who wrote the article about me? Where is the New York Times, who wrote the article about me? Where's CNN and where's PLOTICO? Where are you? Larry Elder: (25:34) If this had been made about me and my girlfriend standing over there, if somebody had said my significant other contacted on behalf of attorney Boies, who's Harvey Weinstein's lawyer, and called Rose McGowan and said, "What can we do to make you go away? What can we do to make this happy?" That's all you guys would be talking about between now and the end of my campaign. This is a double standard to which I've been subjected to my entire time, and I'm sick of it. You ought to be sick of it. Where's your integrity? Where's your fairness? Larry Elder: (26:05) Now, what Rose said about Gavin Newsom's wife is a bombshell. This is a man who, the other day, because he was trying to do a counterpoint, and basically "Women are smarter than men! [inaudible 00:26:17] They're better policies. They're better, they're better, they're better!" Where is he? Where are you? His wife contacts Rose and says, "What can we do to make you happy? What can we do to make this story go away?" Right before the Harvey Weinstein story blew up? That's all you guys would be talking about if the allegations were made about me or my significant other. Any questions? Moderator: (26:42) We're going to take some questions. If you could raise your hand if you have a question. Larry Elder: (26:46) Questions for Rose and questions for me. Steve Gregory: (26:47) Sure. Steve Gregory, KFI AM 640. Local news. Larry Elder: (26:52) And by the way, she said 640, she meant 790 KABC. Rose McGowan: (26:54) Ah, shit. Steve Gregory: (26:54) No. I know, and that's fine. That's why I- Larry Elder: (26:55) That's all right. Steve Gregory: (26:59) I've wondered that myself, but I'll take the credit. Thanks for that. No, seriously... Larry, you seem kind of surprised by all of this. Didn't you know that this was going to be the case when you got into this race? Didn't you know this- Larry Elder: (27:12) Didn't I know that the media had a double standard and I would be subjected to hypocrisy in the party of you guys. Yes, I knew. I knew it. Steve Gregory: (27:20) Actually the question is, sir, is didn't you know that this was going to be sort of a dirty fight. I mean, because you know that there was going to be a battle. This was not going to be an easy thing. You understood that? Larry Elder: (27:32) I knew what I was getting into. Rose McGowan: (27:35) But that doesn't make it okay. Steve Gregory: (27:36) Come to the mic, please, if you're going to speak. Thank you. Rose McGowan: (27:40) But that does not make it okay. It does not make it okay that the New York Times has 98.5% of his readers identifying as Democrats. But people yell about Fox News, "Only Republicans watch it," right? And your question, you're a part of it. I don't know your coverage. I don't know your work. I'm sure it's a stellar, truly. But, you're a part of it. "Didn't you know it was going to be a dirty fight?" Yeah, does that make it okay? Does that make you all not complicit in it? Rose McGowan: (28:13) Does it make the New York Times, who got a Pulitzer off of me calling them... Unlike what Jodi Kantor, the journalist who won a Pulitzer off of my bravery... They lied in their book and they said they called me another New York Times lie. And they have blanket silenced me since I supported Tara Reade against Joe Biden. But they care, but they care. And every feminist organization in this country is in on it, every big one now. Ultraviolet... Like all of them. Certainly, Time's Up. I knew my fight was going to be ugly, does that make it okay? And does that not make every single person asking that question, and yet not commenting or contextualizing things correctly, okay? No, it does not, sir. Larry Elder: (29:07) Well, I- Moderator: (29:08) The next question comes from David Weigel from the Washington- Larry Elder: (29:11) I'd like to say one other thing too. What I find kind of amazing about this race, Rose, virtually nobody has defended Gavin Newsom's record on almost anything. We have Barrack Obama cutting a commercial for him. Bernie Sanders, owner of three houses, cutting a commercial for him. Senator Warren cuts a commercial for him. And nobody utters the follow-up words, "Gavin Newsom has done a fine job for the people of California." Why is that? Homelessness [inaudible 00:29:44]. Larry Elder: (29:44) People are leaving California for the first time in the history of this state. We're 170 years old, this has never happened before. And when people make between 50K and 100K leave, the number one reason they site, they cannot afford the price of a house. More businesses have left in 2021 then have left all of last year, and the rate that businesses are leaving is twice the rate of the last three years. Larry Elder: (30:03) We have the highest state income tax in the nation, 13.3, and it's the biggest revenue stream in California, the income tax. One percent out of 40 million people in California pay half that state income tax, and they're leaving. And they're taking their tax base with them, leaving less money for fire suppression, less money for schools, less money for roads. Larry Elder: (30:24) The man has mismanaged the forests, we're having rolling brownouts. I can't think of any front, the declining quality public education, the rising cost of living, the rise homelessness, the way he ignored science and shut down this state. He has the worst management, rolling brownouts. I can't think of any front at all where this man has done a good job. And you guys want to talk about publishing stuff? Larry Elder: (30:45) That's because this man, Gavin Newsom, has been able to push this thing from a referendum on his behavior, his governance, into a "Republican Takeover." Has it anything to do with crime? Has it anything to do with homelessness? Has it anything to do with the outrageous cost of living? The average price of a home in California is now 150% more than the national average, 150% more. If you look at the percentage of people living in LA who are Black and in San Francisco who are Black, over the last 20 years has declined. Primary reason? The price of the home. Larry Elder: (31:23) This states in trouble. And forget about all of these right wing conservative talking points. There's a left wing magazine called the Atlantic. Two months ago, article The California Dream is Dying. All things talked about, declining public schools, the strangled hold environmentals have over Sacramento, high cost of living, high homelessness. The California Dream is Dying, I really want to check it out. Every single talking point I've made has been made in that magazine and it is not Republicans. Moderator: (31:51) Next question, David Weigel, Washington Post. David Weigel: (31:54) Thank you. One question for Rose. You described emails and phone calls, if I could have the receipts, on Twitter? Are you willing to produce, show the email to the press? And then a question for Larry separately, Mr. Gavin described why she thinks this is a voting issue, but can you expand on why Gavin Newsom's name is on the ballot, but not his wife? Can you expand after, I have a question on why this should be a voting issue for people who sometimes separate a spouse from the candidate? Rose McGowan: (32:22) Well, I'll take that one. Is that okay, Larry? I'll tell you why. You don't think Jennifer Siebel Newsom went home that night, after first making contact with me, and talking to her husband. And if her brother-in-law is Schiller, Boies's partner's son, that makes him the brother-in-law of Gavin Newsom. They're all in it together. Okay. Obama's daughter interned from my rapist two months before I exposed him in the New York Times. They're all in on it, and you know it. That's a disingenuous question, friend. David Weigel: (32:56) Can I for a second, on the other part of it though- Rose McGowan: (32:56) On the receipts? Yes. I sent the emails to POLITICO this morning. Those are all screenshots of her emails, the ones I posted. I just didn't put in her- Rose McGowan: (33:03) ... of her emails, the ones I posted. I just didn't put in her name on it. But those are not me writing out anything. Those were the actual emails, but I could certainly ... And have. I sent them to Politico this morning. I challenge you to put them in. I challenge you to cover it. And I challenge you not to refer to me as an actress, and not to refer to him in a dismissive way. Do better, please. We need you. We need all of you. Speaker 1: (33:24) Miss [inaudible 00:33:24]. Speaker 2: (33:24) [crosstalk 00:33:24]. Okay. Mr. Elder- Larry Elder: (33:24) This is the last question. Speaker 2: (33:24) Okay. Larry Elder: (33:24) I just want to make one more statement. I don't know if the LA Times is here, but I was described by the LA Times as, quote, "The black face of white supremacy," all because I don't believe in the lie of systemic racism. Larry Elder: (33:44) It is a lie. When Barack Obama ran for president in 2007, he was running against Hillary for the nomination of the Democratic side. A Mormon named Mitt Romney was running for the nomination, against John McCain, on the Republican side, and Gallup tried to find out which one of these four politicians had the biggest hurdle. Larry Elder: (34:04) They asked Americans, "Would you never vote for a black president?" 5% said they would not vote for a black president under any circumstances. 11% said they would not vote for a female. 24% said they would not vote for a Mormon. 42% said they would not vote for a man who would be as old as John McCain would have been. 72 years old, had he won. So, Obama had a smaller hurdle than these people. Larry Elder: (34:25) I don't know if the CNN is here. CNN had a study in 1997, 24 years ago. They asked black teenagers and white teenagers about racism. And not to surprisingly, both of them said that racism was a major problem, but then Time and CNN did this, and I've never seen this before. They asked a black teenager whether racism was a big problem, a small problem, or no problem in their daily life. 89% of black teens called racism in 1997, 24 years ago, either a small problem or no problem in their own daily life. In fact, more black teens than white teens said ... And this is verbatim. More black teens than white teens said, "Failure to take advantage of available opportunities is a bigger problem than racism in the world." That was before Obama got elected, let alone reelected, speaking [inaudible 00:35:11]. Larry Elder: (35:12) He gave a speech at a black church in 2007, when he was running, and he was talking about racism. And he said, "The Moses Generation," referring to the generation of Martin Luther King has, "gotten us 90% of the way there." 90%, which I thought was reasonable. I once saw a poll that said 8% of Americans believe Elvis is still alive. He then said, "The Joshua Generation," referring to his generation, "has to get us an additional 10%." Larry Elder: (35:39) First time he's interviewed on 60 Minutes with Steve Kroft, and he hadn't yet caught Hillary yet. He was running for the nomination. But he was coming, otherwise they wouldn't have interviewed him. And Steve Kroft says, "Senator, if you don't get the nomination, will it be because of racism?" And Senator Obama said, "No. If I don't get the nomination, it will be because I have no articulated a vision that the American people can embrace." Larry Elder: (36:03) Now, I'm sitting at home watching this, and I said, "Hallelujah. I don't vote for Democrats because I want lower taxes, lower regulations, strong borders and strong national security, but at least he's going to be a racism reconciliator," I said to myself. Larry Elder: (36:19) Before he got elected, before he entered the Oval Office, I should say. I think he won with 52% of the vote in 2008. Do you know what his popularity was? 70%, before he stepped foot in the White House. Maybe people who didn't vote for him said, "Okay. I don't want to vote for somebody who's tax, spend, regulate, soft of national security, soft of the boarders, but he'll at least bring us together so I'm going to pull for him." 70% popularity. Larry Elder: (36:43) And what did he do with that? "The Cambridge Police acted stupid." No, they didn't. "If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon." What does that even mean? "Racism is in America's DNA," he said. Really? Larry Elder: (36:53) The first time Gallup asked about racism, about whether or not you would vote for a black president was 1958, and the percentage that said, "Yes," was in the high 30s. Now, only 3% said they would not vote for a black president. He invited Al Sharpton to the White House over 70 times, one of the most vicious race hustlers in the nation. Who, by the way, is now a Democratic king-maker. Google, "Al Sharpton, Democratic king-maker." The guy who became famous by falsely accusing a white man of raping a black woman is a Democrat king-maker. A man who was in the thick of Crown Heights in 1991 and said to Jews, "If you want to pin your yarmulkas on your head, come over to my house. Let's get it on." He's a Democrat king- maker. Larry Elder: (37:31) A man who was in the streets of Ferguson before one minute was taken, one word of testament was taken, yelling, "No justice, no peace!" is a Democrat king-maker. You ought to be ashamed of yourself. Obama had a great opportunity to bring us together, and instead, because he wanted power, he wanted the Democratic party to remain in power, he knew that if he played the race card and got 13% of the black vote all upset about social justice issues ... Larry Elder: (37:56) Not going to talk about schools. Let's not talk about safe streets. Let's not talk about whether or not I have a job. Let's talk about racial justice. That's what the party is all about. And he divided this country. Larry Elder: (38:06) I'm going to be a uniter when I become governor. I'm going to use my bully pulpit to unit us because we have far more in common than we have apart. Back in 19- Speaker 3: (38:20) That's right. Larry Elder: (38:21) Back in 1991, a black, Harvard sociologist ... I don't know any sociologist who's a conservative, do you? Larry Elder: (38:26) A black Harvard sociologist named Orlando Patterson said this, 1991, " America, despite its flaws, is the least racist majority society in the world, provides more opportunities than any other country in the world, including all of those of Africa." That was before Obama got elected, let alone reelected. Larry Elder: (38:44) My final thought: In the mid-60s, Martin Luther King gave an interview to British television. This is two years after The Civil Rights Bill was passed. And he said, "The changes in America have surprised me to the point where I believe, in about 40 years time or less, there will be a black president." Almost on-cue, there was a black president. Larry Elder: (39:02) He didn't say, "Black CEO of a Fortune-500 company." We've had those. He didn't say, "A black governor of one of the original states of the Confederacy." We've had that. He didn't say there'd be black senators. He didn't say 10% of Congress would be black. He didn't say there'd be a black president of an Ivy-league university, which has happened. He said it would be a black president, meaning, once it happens, it's done. It's done. We're here. We can now start [inaudible 00:39:25] people based on content of character, not color of skin. Larry Elder: (39:28) Instead, Democrats have doubled down, and doubled down, and doubled down on things like Critical Race Theory and reparations, which is the extraction of money from people who were never slave owners to be given to people who were never slaves. Thank you all for coming. Speaker 4: (39:38) Mr. Elder, I have a question! I have a question for you, Mr. Elder. Rose McGowan: (39:46) As a comment on what you just said, which is ... People will disavow that. Mostly white people that work in the media will disavow what he just said. But understand who it's coming from and that he might just know more than you, living in a different skin. Rose McGowan: (40:01) I was just in Portland, Maine, with a friend of mine who's from Nigeria but went to school at Oxford in the UK. And we were in the whitest town I've ever been in, Portland, Maine. There were Black Lives Matter signs everywhere. But kind of really over the top. Rose McGowan: (40:21) And he kept taking photos of them. And I turned to him, and I asked him, "How does that make you feel?" And he looked at me with tears in his eyes, and he said, "Not good." Rose McGowan: (40:37) Now, the BLM, all of this, I've been gone. I live in a jungle. I'm not fully aware of ... I mean, I get it. I saw it last week for the first time, really, in person. But I would say, "Yes. People have different views on what Larry Elder just said." But I will ask the white citizens or non-blacks to consider that maybe he has had a different experience than you in this world, and that maybe instead of reacting mentally but with violence to what he just said, consider that it's a different experience. We are not the authorities on that. Rose McGowan: (41:18) So, I will leave it with this on a high note. Most people don't want to hear that. That sucks, that they don't want to, and you know it. They want to hear that the more we micro-label each other, the better we'll be. The reality is? Today, I challenge this state, I challenge these voters, I challenge the media: "Back up. Be human first. Vote for humanity." Rose McGowan: (41:51) Might be a policy walk, might not say the same things you the way you would do, and might not articulate them in a way that we're use to, but it doesn't make him bad, and it doesn't make him wrong, and it does mean that he's dedicated his life to thinking differently and wanting more. Is that so bad? I think not. Rose McGowan: (42:10) So, let's bring on some hope. Let's truly, if you really want to get past racial barriers, be fair in coverage. Be honest. I believe in California. I believe it can be better. And I do believe, even though when Larry and I first met today, I said, "I don't agree with you on certain stances." So what? Do I think fiscally and in every other way, which is desperately what California needs to be saved, he will be the man for that? Absolutely. Rose McGowan: (42:45) So, why not try something different, something unique? It might push your buttons a little bit. Oo. But guess what? When you put on that t-shirt with that itchy tag, you get to go home and take it off and be comfortable again. And sometimes we have to address the wound so we can run free. Thank you.
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