Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey Booed by Protestors When He Says He Won't Defund Police

Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey Booed by Protestors When He Says He Won't Defund Police

Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey gave a speech to a large group of protestors. They asked him to defund the Minneapolis Police Department and when he said he would not, he was booed. Read the transcript here.

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Jacob Frey: (00:00) You have to take responsibility here. I've been coming to grips with my own brokenness in this situation, my own failures, my own shortcomings. And I know there needs to be deep-seeded structural reform, in terms of how the department operates. The systemic racist system needs to be revamped. The police union needs to be put in its place. And we need to make sure that everything, from the union contract to the way that the arbitration functions, to the way that our officers, and the culture, and the department behaves, we know [crosstalk 00:00:41]- Protestors: (00:43) Jacob Frey, we have a yes or no question for you. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, fists up, fists up y'all, fists up. Jacob Frey, we have a yes or no question for you. Yes or no, will you commit to defunding Minneapolis Police Department? [crosstalk 00:01:06] What did I say? We don't want no more police. Is that clear? We don't want people with guns toting around in our community, shooting us down. You have an answer, and it's a yes or a no. Will you defund the Minneapolis Police Department? All right, be quiet y'all. Be quiet, because it's important that we actually hear this. It's important that we hear this, because if y'all don't know, he's up for reelection next year. If y'all don't know, he's up for reelection next year. And if he says, "No," guess what the f*** we're going to do next year? Jacob Frey: (01:50) I do not support abolishing the Minneapolis Police Department. Protestors: (01:50) What'd you say? Jacob Frey: (01:50) I do not support full abolition of the Minneapolis Police Department. Protestors: (01:50) Alright get the f*** out of here! Protestors: (01:50) (chanting) Go home Jacob, go home! Go home Jacob, go home! Go home Jacob, go home! Go home Jacob, go home!
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