Joe Biden Speech Transcript on the Death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Joe Biden: (00:00)
We learned of the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who is not only a giant in the legal profession, but a beloved figure. And my heart goes out to all those who cared for her and care about her. And she practiced the highest American ideals as a justice, equality and justice under the law. And Ruth Bader Ginsburg stood for all of us. As I said, she was a beloved figure. As a young attorney, you all know the story. She persisted, overcoming a lot of obstacles for a woman practicing law in those days, as well as she continued on [inaudible 00:00:52]. She moved herself in a position where she could end up changing the law of the land in leading the effort to provide equality for women in every field. And she led to the advance of equal rights for women.

Joe Biden: (01:09)
It’s hard to believe, but it was my honor to preside over her confirmation hearing. I got to meet her at the time, and her ascension to the Supreme Court. In the decades since, she has been absolutely consistent and reliable and a voice for freedom and opportunity for everyone. And she never failed. She was fierce and unflinching in her pursuit of civil and legal rights, of civil rights for everyone. Her opinions and her dissent are going to continue to shape the basis for our law for a generation. And tonight and in the coming days, we should focus on the loss of her justice and her enduring legacy.

Joe Biden: (02:08)
But there is no doubt. Let me be clear that the voters should pick the president, and the president should pick the justice for the Senate to consider. This was the position the Republican Senate took in 2016 when there were almost 10 months to go before the election. That’s the position the United States Senate must take today. And the election is only 46 days off. I think the fastest justice ever confirmed was 47 days, and the average is closer to 70 days. And so they should do this with full consideration, and that is my hope and expectation what will happen. Thank you all, and I’m sorry. It’s such a … We had to learn it on the plane ride, but thank you very much.

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