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Select the language in your uploaded file(s). Your captions will be exported in the same language.
  • Turn around time may be longer for non-English captions
  • Non-English captions will not include atmospherics (ie. “[piano music playing]”)
  • Some additional options, like rushing an order, are not yet available for non-English orders

Receive your video(s) back with permanent captions. Example
How it works:

Your videos will return as video files with captions or foreign subtitles already embedded (a.k.a. open captions) - not a file to add yourself.


Particularly useful for video players and outlets that don't support timed text, or when you don't want your audience to choose whether captions show or don't.

Don't stress about the choice - you can change your mind later for no extra charge.

Only English source videos support changing the file format.

Cheetah .CAP, MacCaption, and Scenarist are incompatible with some of the selected languages.
  • Feel free to provide a number or name for your own tracking purposes.
  • The number or name you provide will appear in your emailed receipt and online order history.
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Secure and Encrypted
  • What's the difference between captions and transcription?
    • Captions are timed text shown on screen (ie: on TV, YouTube, Vimeo, etc) used to communicate spoken content and sound effects as the video plays.
    • Transcription converts your audio to an editable text document. It is useful for capturing the details of any audio recording to review later (ie: meetings, interviews, etc).
    • Need transcripts instead? Order transcripts
  • Tell me about your confidentiality policy.
    Rev has a strict customer confidentiality policy. All customer files are encrypted both at rest and in transit via industry best-practices.
  • What are translated subtitles?
    Subtitles translate the video's spoken and written language into the viewer's language. They are intended for viewers who can't understand the language spoken but can hear the audio.
  • How do I apply for sales tax exemption on my orders?
    If you are a tax-exempt organization, please go to your account settings to submit applicable exemption information to be exempt from being charged sales tax on your Rev orders.