Mike Pence National Prayer Day Speech Transcript: “Let’s Pray for America”

Mike Pence: (00:01)
Hello, I’m former Vice President Mike Pence. And it’s my honor to join you and people all across our country on this National Day of Prayer. Since the time of our nation’s founding, prayer has always been a central part of American life. Even before the American Revolution, the Second Continental Congress established a day of fasting and prayer. President Abraham Lincoln urged Americans to pray so that in his words, “The United cry of the nation would be heard on high and answered with a blessing.”

Mike Pence: (00:36)
And now more than two centuries later, we gather in that same spirit and ask God to bless our land, the land we love, because America is a nation of prayer. For our family, prayer has always been an important part of our lives, just as it has been for millions of Americans. During my time as Vice President I can tell you, the sweetest words that I ever heard are when people would walk up to a rope line, stop me at an event and simply reach out a hand and say, “I’m praying for you.”

Mike Pence: (01:13)
And for those prayers, Karen and I are deeply humbled, and we’ll always be grateful. The Bible tells us that where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. So on this National Day of Prayer, I just wanted to take a moment to encourage each one of you to pray for America, pray for all of the American people. In the challenging times through which we have passed and are still passing, we’re reminded by those ancient words to not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, to present our request to God. And know that the peace of God that passes all understandings will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

Mike Pence: (02:02)
And when you pray, you can pray with confidence, knowing that the effective and fervent prayer of a righteous one availeth much. So we encourage you on this day to pray. Pray for the families that have suffered loss and those still suffering from the physical, emotional, and financial hardships brought on by the coronavirus pandemic. Pray for all of our nation’s leaders, that God would grant them wisdom and discernment to lead our nation in these challenging times. We also encourage you to pray for the courageous men and women who risk their lives to keep us safe. All those in the Armed Forces of the United States serving at home and abroad, to our brave law enforcement officers, firefighters, and first responders serving here at home. They all deserve your prayers.

Mike Pence: (02:54)
One of the things that makes today so special is that millions of Americans from every walk of life, every race and creed and color, from every background, from big cities and small towns will join together as one body of believers seeking the grace and the favor of God. On this National Day of Prayer, whatever are our differences, they fade to insignificance as each one of us appeals for God’s grace and His blessing. It’s always an awe-inspiring day and it gives me great confidence about the future of the land we love. So today and every day going forward, let’s pray for America and pray with faith in those ancient words, that if His people who are called by His name will humble themselves and pray, that He’ll hear from heaven and He’ll heal our land. This one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Thank you and God bless you. And God bless America.

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