Mike Pence Campaign Speech Transcript Reading, Pennsylvania October 17

Mike Pence: (01:13)
Well, hello, Pennsylvania. The Trump State Chair, Bernie Comfort, all my fellow Americans from near and far, it is great to be back in the Keystone State. Just 17 days away from a great victory all across Pennsylvania and all across America.

Audience: (01:36)
Four more years, four more years, four more years, four more years, four more years.

Mike Pence: (01:51)
And it’s really great to be here with two champions of Pennsylvania and two men that have stood so strong with this president and this administration. Join me in thanking Congressman Lloyd Smucker and Congressman Dan Meuser. Two great champions. Great.

Mike Pence: (02:14)
It’s great to be here with so many friends. It really is. And speaking of friends of mine, I just hung up the phone from another friend of mine. I told him I just landed in Reading, Pennsylvania, and I think he sounded just a little bit jealous. So allow me to bring greetings from a man who loves the State of Pennsylvania and has been fighting to keep the promises he made to the Keystone State. I bring greetings from the 45th President of the United States of America, President Donald Trump.

Mike Pence: (02:57)
It’s great to see you all out today but I got to be honest with you, I’m here for one reason and one reason only, and that is that Pennsylvania and America need four more years of President Donald Trump in the White House. It’s on everybody and the road to victory runs right through Pennsylvania.

Mike Pence: (03:26)
Four years ago, a movement was born and it looks like it’s doing pretty good today. It’s a movement of everyday Americans from every walk of life. Here in Pennsylvania, you believe we could be strong again. You believe we could be prosperous again. Pennsylvania said yes to President Donald Trump in 2016 and I know Pennsylvania is going to do it again. You’re going to say yes to four more years of President Donald Trump in 2020.

Mike Pence: (03:58)
I mean, look how far we’ve come. Four years ago, we inherited a military that was hollowed out by devastating budget cuts, an economy that was struggling to break out of the slowest recovery in nearly a century. Terrorism was on the rise around the world and we witnessed a steady assault on our most cherished values. But in three short years, we rebuild our military, we cut taxes across the board, we rolled back regulations, unleashed American energy, secured our border, supported law enforcement, stood for life and liberty of the constitution of the United States. That’s called promises made and promises kept.

Mike Pence: (04:42)
It really is amazing. You think about our national defense. The first priority of our federal government is to provide for the common defense. When Joe Biden was vice-president, we saw a years of reckless budget cuts to our military. President Donald Trump, he’s actually signed the largest investment in our national defense since the days of Ronald Reagan. And I’m proud to report to you, not just as your vice president, but as the father of a United States Marine and the father-in-law of a Navy Lieutenant, we are finally giving our soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines, and coast guard, the resources and the support that they need to defend this nation.

Mike Pence: (05:40)
And with that renewed American strength, we’ve taken the fight to radical Islamic terrorists on our terms on their soil. Last year ,at the direction of our Commander in Chief, American forces captured the last inch of territory of the ISIS caliphate. They took down their leader without one American casualty and Qasem Soleimani is gone.

Audience: (06:07)

Mike Pence: (06:07)
So we rebuild our military. We stood with our allies and we stood up to our enemies. And in our first three years after the slowest recovery since The Great Depression, we created the greatest economy in history. It’s true.

Mike Pence: (06:43)
When Joe Biden was vice president, they tried to tax and spend and regulate and bail their way back to a growing economy. Remember those days? I mean, wages didn’t even keep up with inflation for most working Americans. And now in the midst of a global pandemic, Joe Biden wants to raise taxes by $4 trillion. President Trump, we cut taxes across the board for working families and businesses. We rolled back more federal red tape than any administration in American history. We fought for free and fair trade and unleashed American energy as never before. And in just three short years, businesses, large and small created more than 7 million good paying jobs, including more than 200,000 jobs right here in Pennsylvania. And you talk about wages. The last administration wages for working Americans barely kept up with inflation, in most years they didn’t. Under this president’s policies, that you’ve supported, over our first three years, wages rose at the fastest pace in more than 10 years. And they rose most rapidly for hard working blue collar Americans. The forgotten men and women of America were forgotten no more.

Mike Pence: (08:22)
I like to say out here in the heartland, we do two things particularly well. We make things and we grow things, right? And President Trump said early on after years of seeing jobs go overseas and factories closed that we were going to bring back jobs to America, to bring back those beautiful words Made in USA and that’s just what we’ve done. And the center of that was fighting for American jobs and American workers when it came to trade.

Mike Pence: (09:00)
Now, when we came into office, fully half of our international trade deficit was with communist China. We were losing $500 billion a year in our trading relationship with China. And Joe Biden, he’s been a cheerleader for communist China all along the way, and closer to home, closer to home as we saw thousands of factories close and jobs go south of the border, Joe Biden never lifted a finger for 25 years to reform NAFTA.

Mike Pence: (09:38)
In fact, when Joe Biden was vice-president, America actually lost 200,000 manufacturing jobs. Remember the last president, four years ago? He said those manufacturing jobs would never come back. He said, “What magic wand do you have?” Well, we didn’t need a magic wand fighting for American jobs. We just needed President Donald Trump in the White House. 500,000 manufacturing jobs in just three years.

Audience: (10:11)
Four more years, four more years, four more years, four more years, four more years, four more years.

Mike Pence: (10:28)
And it hasn’t just been about less taxes, less regulation, and fighting for free and fair trade, it’s also about unleashing American energy. And I know I don’t have to tell you then when it comes to energy, President Donald Trump has been a champion for American energy independence. We ended the war on coal and our nation is now a net exporter of energy for the first time in 70 years. That’s amazing.

Mike Pence: (10:58)
But you all deserve to know in Pennsylvania, Joe Biden and the radical left want to crush American energy under a $2 trillion version of the Green New Deal that would cost jobs across this state and across this country. It’d raise the cost of electricity for every family household in this state and across the country. In fact, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris want to abolish fossil fuels, end fracking and destroy hundreds of thousands of jobs right here in the Keystone State.

Mike Pence: (11:40)
Now, I saw recently where Joe Biden went to Pittsburgh and he tried to convince people that he’s not for banning fracking. I mean, he actually said our president was lying about his record. Well, let’s take a look at what Joe Biden and Kamala Harris said.

Speaker 1: (12:00)
Would there be any place for fossil fuels, including coal and fracking in a Biden administration?

Joe Biden: (12:06)
No, we would work it out. We would make sure it’s eliminated and no more subsidies for either one of those.

Joe Biden: (12:12)
I guarantee we’re going to use fossil fuel.

Joe Biden: (12:15)
No more, no new fracking.

Joe Biden: (12:17)
I’d gradually move away from fracking.

Kamala Harris: (12:18)
And I think it’s critically important on day one that we end any fossil fuel leases on public lands.

Speaker 2: (12:25)
What about say stopping fracking and stopping new pipeline and infrastructure-

Joe Biden: (12:29)
Yeah. New pipeline. Exactly.

Joe Biden: (12:29)
They want to do the same thing I want to do. They want to phase out fossil fuels and we’re going to phase out fossil fuels.

Kamala Harris: (12:36)
There’s no question, I’m in favor of banning fracking.

Mike Pence: (12:44)
President Trump said a couple of days ago, “When a typical politician says the first time around it’s usually the truth.” I mean, now Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are saying, “Who are you going to believe? Me or your own eyes?” So no matter what Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are saying right now, you can take it to the bank. Joe Biden and the radical left are going to abolish fossil fuels and ban fracking but we are not going to let it happen.

Mike Pence: (13:11)
We’re going to have more fracking, more American energy, more energy independence for this generation and for generations to come when we reelect President Donald Trump for four more years.

Audience: (13:33)
Four more years, four more years. USA, USA. USA.

Audience: (13:33)
Four more years, four more years.

Mike Pence: (13:40)
Men and women of Pennsylvania, we have a choice to make. You got to talk to your neighbors and friends about it. As our economy is coming back through this difficult year, you got to ask yourself, who do you think can bring this economy all the way back? A career politician who spent 47 years in Washington, D. C. raising taxes, stifling our economy under regulations-

Mike Pence: (14:02)
You see raising taxes, stifling our economy under regulations, and economic surrender. Or a proven job creator in President Donald Trump, who created seven million good paying jobs and going to do it again for four more years.

Mike Pence: (14:22)
President said yesterday quite honestly it’s a choice between a Trump recovery and a Biden depression. So for our families, for our jobs, for the great American comeback that every American wants, we need four more years of President Donald Trump in the White House.

Mike Pence: (14:51)
So we’ve stood for our national security. We’ve stood and fought for prosperity, American energy independence, and American workers. And President Donald Trump, everyday has stood strong for the rule of law for every American. I’m proud to report to that as I stand here today, we’ve seen more than 230 conservative men and women appointed to our federal courts at every level, and they are all judges who will uphold the God-given liberties enshrined in our Constitution, like the freedom of religion, the freedom of speech, and the Second Amendment right to bear arms. Now, last month, we rightly paused as a nation to honor the life and service of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. But when the memorials were over, President Donald Trump fulfilled his duty under the Constitution, and he nominated a brilliant, principled, conservative woman to the Supreme Court of the United States of America, Judge Amy Coney Barrett.

Mike Pence: (16:17)
Oh, we’re going to fill it. But I’ll tell you what, the President and I called on Democrats in Washington to give Judge Barrett a respectful and dignified confirmation this time. But we have reason to be concerned. You all may remember during her last confirmation for the Court of Appeals two years the Democrat leader on the Judiciary Committee, Senator Dianne Feinstein said she was concerned about the fact that Judge Barrett’s Catholic faith, “lived loudly in her.” She said that dogma lives loudly within you. And Hollywood elites have already begun to criticize her faith and her family.

Mike Pence: (17:12)
Well, I got news for the Democrats and their friends in Hollywood. That dogma lives loudly in me. That dogma lives loudly in you, and the right to live and work and worship according to the dictates of our faith lives loudly in the Constitution of the United States of America.

Mike Pence: (17:42)
So the Senate’s got a job to do, and after the discharge their duty to advise and consent, I’ll make you a prediction. Judge Amy Coney Barrett is going to be Justice Amy Coney Barrett. We’re going to fill that seat. You know, the people in Pennsylvania, while we’re talking about the Supreme Court. The people in Pennsylvania deserve to know. After 150 years with nine seats on the Supreme Court of the United States, leading Democrats in Washington are talking about packing the court. Thursday night, in that softball town hall meeting that Joe Biden did, I mean, those weren’t softballs, those were beach balls. While the President was taking fastballs on NBC and hitting every one of them out of the park.

Mike Pence: (18:57)
Anyway, Joe Biden, the other night, he actually said, ” I’m open to considering packing the court.” After the Senate gets done voting on Judge Barrett. Kamala Harris, when she was running the Democrat primaries said she was, “Absolutely open to packing the court.” With more seats and more liberal judges. Even though she refused to answer that question in our debate. Thank you.

Mike Pence: (19:37)
Now Joe Biden says he’s going to tell the American people what he’ll do after Judge Barrett is confirmed in a week or so, even though millions of Americans are voting right now. Well, come on man. The American people deserve a straight answer, Joe. When you’re running for the highest office in the land, the American people deserve to know if you’re going to respect the highest court in the land. But we all know what’s going on here, don’t we? I mean, I was born in the morning, but not yesterday morning.

Mike Pence: (20:17)
They’re not answering the question, because we already know the answer. Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the Democrats are going to pack the court with liberal, activist judges if they win this election. But we’re not going let it happen. We’re going to re-elect the Republican majority in the Senate, and we’re going to re-elect President Donald Trump for four more years.

Mike Pence: (20:58)
We’re going to stand strong for the rule of law, the Constitution, and an independent judiciary. And I couldn’t be more proud to serve alongside a President who has stood every day with the men and women who serve on the thin blue line of law enforcement all across America.

Mike Pence: (21:25)
When I was growing up, we’d go up to Chicago from that small town I grew up in and visit my folk’s parents. And at my dad’s house, we’d see my uncle come out. Me and my three brothers would just stand there looking up as he walked out, wearing that uniform of the Chicago Police Department. Side arm at his side, we’d just look up in awe. I got to tell you, all of my heroes wear uniforms. The men and women who serve in law enforcement are some of the best people in this country, and they deserve the respect of every American, every day.

Mike Pence: (22:28)
Now, the President and I will always support the right of every American to peaceful protest, enshrined in our Constitution. But rioting and looting is not peaceful protest. Burning businesses is not free speech. For months, all Joe Biden talked about was peaceful protesters. Remember? All summer long. As the American people literally watched businesses in our major cities burn to the ground.

Mike Pence: (22:59)
I was standing in Minneapolis at the side of a wonderful African-American businesswoman named Flora Westburg just a few, short weeks ago. Flora founded her salon 35 years ago, the pillar of the community. She told me about that terrible night, a few days after the killing of George Floyd. That she saw the protesters come closer, and closer, and closer to that little business that she’d built over so many years. Until that Friday came, and they burned it to the ground.

Mike Pence: (23:36)
I stood there, looking down at the ashes of Flora’s little shop in Minneapolis. And I told her on behalf of her President and all the good people of this country, this will not stand. We will rebuild her business, every business, and rebuild, and keep safe every community in America.

Mike Pence: (24:05)
The truth is, Joe Biden would double down on the policies that are leading to violence in our major cities. When you withdraw support for those who protect and serve, you only embolden those who would do harm to our families and our communities. Now, Joe Biden explains it all by saying that, in his words, America is ” systemically racist.” That police have, and I quote, “an implicit bias against minorities.” When asked if he’d support cutting for law enforcement, Joe Biden said yes, absolutely.

Mike Pence: (24:51)
And his running mate, Kamala Harris, said we need to reimagine law enforcement. Well, let me make you a promise. Under President Donald Trump, we’re not going to defund the police. Not now, not ever. We’re going to back the blue for four more years. And we’re going to have law and order in every city, in every state in this country, for every American, of every race, and creed, and color. So help us God. You know, you all know what the President and I know. We don’t have to choose between supporting our African-American neighbors and supporting law enforcement. Under this President’s policies, we saw the lowest unemployment ever recorded for African-Americans. We signed the highest funding ever for historically black colleges and universities. We created more than 8,000 opportunity zones that are investing in jobs and opportunities in our inner cities. We passed criminal justice reform, and we’re expanding school choice all across America to our minority families and every family.

Mike Pence: (26:14)
And all along the way, we’ve supported law enforcement with more resources and more support in our cops program and through Operation Legend this summer. So I’ll make you another promise. Just like we’ve supported our African-American neighbors and all of our minorities, and supported law enforcement for the last 3 1/2 years, we’re going to support police, we’re going to support our African-American neighbors for four more years. For more prosperity, more public safety. For every American in every city.

Mike Pence: (26:52)
So this President has stood strong for the rule of law, for law and order for every American in every city. And President Donald Trump has stood for the religious freedom of every American of every faith. It’s amazing to think. When Joe Biden was Vice President, we saw a steady assault on the religious liberty of Americans. The last administration actually hauled a group of nuns into federal court to force them to compromise their faith to live under the mandates of Obamacare. But President Donald Trump, from very early on, has made it clear that we’re going to stand for our first freedom. The freedom of religion. We restored the conscience rights of doctors, nurses, teachers, and religious charities. We’ve championed religious liberty around the world. And President Donald Trump ended the assault on the little sisters of the poor and the s-

Mike Pence: (28:03)
-the assault on the little sisters of the poor, and the Supreme Court made it permanent by a seven to two vote.

Mike Pence: (28:10)
People of faith have no greater champion than President Donald Trump. That’s true. Beyond all of that, defending our liberties, defending our highest ideals, our security, our prosperity, I must tell you, I couldn’t be more proud to serve as Vice President to a president who stands without apology for the sanctity of human life.

Mike Pence: (28:51)
Where Joe Biden and Kamala Harris support taxpayer funding of abortion all the way up to the moment of birth. They want to increase funding to the largest abortion provider in America and go back to promoting abortion around the world. President Donald Trump is the most pro-life president in American history, and we’re going to keep standing for life for four more years.

Mike Pence: (29:24)
So in our first three years, if you’re taking notes, we rebuilt our military. We revived the economy. We stood for law and orders, our liberties and life. I mean, in a word, we made America great again.

Mike Pence: (29:41)
I’ve got to tell you, none of that would’ve been possible without the strong leadership of our president. But none of that would’ve been possible without the strong partnership that we’ve had with Pennsylvania’s Republican delegation to the United States Congress. That’s why right after you reelect President Donald Trump, we need Pennsylvania to send Congressman Lloyd Smucker and Congressman Dan Meuser to a new Republican majority in the House of Representatives that retires Nancy Pelosi once and for all.

Mike Pence: (30:42)
In just three short years, we’ve made incredible progress as a nation, and then the coronavirus struck from China. But once again, the American people witnessed the decisive leadership of our president. Before there was a single case of community transmission of the coronavirus in this country, President Donald Trump did what no other American president had ever done. He suspended all travel from China, the second largest economy in the world. He put the health of America first. It’s true.

Mike Pence: (31:23)
Now, Joe Biden, Joe Biden said that that was “xenophobic.” He said it was hysterical. He said closing all travel from China would actually make things worse. But I can tell you, having led the White House Coronavirus Taskforce these last eight months, President Trump’s decision to suspend all travel from China bought us invaluable time to stand up the greatest national mobilization since World War II and saved countless American lives.

Mike Pence: (32:06)
We reinvented testing. We saw to the manufacture and distribution of billions of medical supplies for our incredible doctors and nurses and healthcare workers. All along the way, we’ve been protecting the vulnerable, saving lives, and I’m proud to report to you and in just a little while, we’re going to have the first safe and effective coronavirus vaccine for the American people, with tens of millions of doses in Operation Warp Speed. That’s what leadership looks like. That’s the leadership of President Donald Trump.

Mike Pence: (32:46)
In fact, the president announced yesterday, every day, we’re one day closer to having that vaccine, which we know we’ll have before the end of this year. The president announced yesterday, a plan with CVS and Walgreens to deliver and administer vaccines to our seniors in nursing homes and across the nation for free as soon as they’re available.

Mike Pence: (33:14)
So we’ve responded by putting the health of America first, and we’ll continue to do it until we put this coronavirus in the past. Where Joe Biden is talking about shutting down the economy again, under President Donald Trump, we are opening up America. It’s amazing to think in the last five months, we’ve seen more Americans go back to work than actually went to work when Joe Biden was Vice President for eight years, 11.4 million Americans back to work, including nearly 600,000 people right here in the Keystone State. We’re opening up America again, and we are opening up American schools.

Mike Pence: (34:14)
I’m proud to report to you that schoolteacher I’ve been married to for 35 years, she’s already back in the classroom at that Christian school. We’ve provided billions of dollars available to our schools, and we just sent out 100 million rapid care tests to school nurses around America so we can get our kids back in the classroom and keep them back safe and sound where they belong.

Mike Pence: (34:47)
So we’re opening up America. We’re opening up America schools thanks to President Trump’s leadership. Big Ten football is back, too. One week from today, at 3:30, Nittany Lions are going to be back on the gridiron.

Mike Pence: (35:10)
I’ve got to tell you, it is really great to be here in Pennsylvania with you all. You’re just amazing people. Thank you so much for coming out. I love you, and I’ve got to tell you, men and women, we’ve got a choice ahead of us. When you look at their agenda, it’s clear. Joe Biden would be nothing more than a Trojan horse for the radical left. I mean, truthfully, Joe Biden has said that democracy is on the ballot. I think our economic recovery is on the ballot. Law and order are on the ballot. But I also think there’s things far more foundational to our country that are on the ballot, come November the third.

Mike Pence: (36:15)
In this election, I think it’s not going to be so much whether Americans are more Republican or more Democrat, more liberal or more conservative, more red or more blue. I think the choice in this election is whether America remains America. It’s whether we’re going to chart a course on freedom and patriotism and all the ideals that have always made this country great or whether we’re going to let Joe Biden, the Democrats, and the radical left steer us on an inexorable path to socialism and decline.

Mike Pence: (37:04)
So for our freedom and for all the values that have always made America great, we need to decide right here and right now that Joe Biden will never be President of the United States. We’re going to reelect President Donald Trump for four more years. That’s the choice we face, everybody. I believe it with all my heart. I also want to tell you, four years ago, when I got the call to join this ticket, I actually didn’t know our president very well at all. We’d met a couple of times. But I saw in him, as all of you did, the vision and the leadership qualities that could make America great again, and I joined that ticket in a heartbeat.

Mike Pence: (38:14)
But I’ll never forget the night that he called. My wife and I got tipped off that among a group of wonderful, great Americans, that we were going to get the ask. We’d prayed all the way through it. We knew what answer we were going to give, the greatest honor of our life. I was standing in my study at the governor’s residence in Indiana. The phone rang about 11 o’clock, and with my wife standing at my side, I picked up the phone. I heard that familiar voice, and he said, “Mike, it’s going to be great.” He was right. Every step of the way, we’ve been making America great again. I can tell you, I mean, some people think the president and I are a little bit different, but honestly, we’ve gotten to be really close friends. We talk every day when we’re in different places, and we spend a lot of time together at the White House. So let me tell you firsthand, I’ve seen it. Through an unrelenting opposition by Democrats in Washington, DC, through continuous barrages of attacks from their allies in the national media, there’s not a day gone by that President Trump hasn’t gotten up and fought to keep the promises that he made to the people of Pennsylvania. Now it’s our turn to fight for him. It’s on, Pennsylvania.

Mike Pence: (40:17)
So I’ve got a couple of things to ask you to do before I get back on the plane. First, I need you to vote, Pennsylvania, and vote for four more years of President Donald Trump in the White House. I checked on the way here. You can request an absentee ballot until October 27th. Better still, come Monday morning, mark your calendar, you can go down to the County of Burke Service Center, open eight to five, 633 Court Street, right here in Redding, and vote to reelect President Donald Trump.

Mike Pence: (41:06)
Remember, friends don’t let friends vote alone. Bring a family member. Bring a friend. Bring a coworker, and vote for four more years of President Donald Trump in the White House.

Mike Pence: (41:25)
Number two, after you’re done voting with a friend, I need you to go tell somebody. Tell somebody why you feel so proud of supporting this president and everything we’ve accomplished. I can tell looking out at all of you that you know the progress that we’ve made in this country, but you know it’s just the beginning.

Audience: (42:00)
We love you. We love you. We love you. We love you.

Mike Pence: (42:06)
I just want to tell all of you, back in that election four years ago, I was actually on one of those Sunday morning shows. It was a couple of weeks before the election. And Hillary Clinton that week was literally announcing that she was… she was announcing a list of cabinet appointments. She was measuring the curtains in the Oval Office. And back then, if you remember, back then, if you remember all the polls back then were like… they were all different kinds of polls, some where we were losing by a lot and some where we were losing by a little, right? There was a whole range.

Mike Pence: (42:40)
So I’m on this TV show, and this guy in the Sunday morning show, the President calls him Sleepy. He looked at me and he said, almost in a sympathetic tone, he said, two weeks before the election, he said, “So what do you think is going to happen?” And I looked at him and I said, “I think we’re going to win.” And he had this shocked look on his face. “You think you’re going to win? Why?” I said, “Because I’ll tell you what,” I said, “I’ve seen our candidate out across the country, the tens of thousands of people that were coming out, believing in his vision, believing in his leadership qualities.” And I said, “I’ve seen the literally hundreds of Americans that have come out when I’ve campaigned as well.” And on every one of their faces, I see the same confidence, the same determination. And I knew you all were going to deliver a great victory, not just for President Donald Trump, but you delivered a victory for America in 2016 because you were talking to each other.

Mike Pence: (43:50)
The most powerful media in America is now and always has been word of mouth. It’s not your big newspapers. It’s not your television networks. It’s not your social media. It’s when someone who knows you and respects you hears from you about everything we’ve done for this country and everything that we can continue to do to keep making America greater and stronger than ever before. So I need you to get out and talk to people at worship, at work every day in the next 17 days. It’ll make a difference.

Mike Pence: (44:23)
And one other thing I might ask you to do, if you’re of a mind to bow the head and bend the knee, over the next two weeks, I encourage you to do that, too.

Mike Pence: (44:41)
As I’ve traveled around America, there’s two things that I’ve become convinced of over the last four years. America is a freedom loving nation and America is a nation of faith. So I encourage you to pray. Like that little girl at the end of my debate asked the question of both of us about division that she sees on television. But I’ll always believe that there will always be more that unites us in these United States of America than could ever divide us and chief among those things is faith. So in the days ahead, I’d encourage you to pray for America, pray for all the American people. And when you pray, pray with confidence in those ancient words that Americans have clung to in much more challenging times than we could even imagine, that if his people who are called by his name will humble themselves and pray and turn, he’ll do like he’s always done in the long and storied history of this nation. He’ll hear from heaven and he’ll heal this land… this one nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. So pray for America, Pennsylvania. It’ll make a difference.

Mike Pence: (46:28)
So it’s great to be back in the Commonwealth, but I got a plane to catch and I’ll catch it, but not before I don’t say thank you to each and every one of you. Thank you for coming out today. Thank you for supporting our president and all of those that have stood with us. It’s always an honor for me to be in Pennsylvania. As the president said in Johnstown on Wednesday, Pennsylvania is the place where the Continental Army weathered its brutal winter at Valley Forge, where George Washington led his daring man on a trip across the Delaware. It’s where our nation was saved by the heroes of Gettysburg. Pennsylvania is a special place. Generations of tough, strong people who worked the mines, worked the railroads, forged the steel that made America the greatest and most powerful nation in the history of the world. That is the past of Pennsylvania. That is the present of Pennsylvania. And that is the future of Pennsylvania and America.

Mike Pence: (47:59)
And I leave here today with renewed confidence. And if all of us do all that we can on every day between now and Election Day, we’re going to have a great victory right here in Pennsylvania and all across America. With your continued support, with your voice to your neighbors and friends and with your prayers, we’re going to make Pennsylvania and America stronger than ever before. We’re going to make Pennsylvania and America more prosperous than ever before. We’re going to make Pennsylvania and America more united than ever before. And with Congressman Lloyd Smucker and Congressman Dan Meuser in a new Republican majority in the House of Representatives with President Donald Trump in the White House for four more years and with God’s help, we’re going to make America great again again. Thank you all very much. God bless you. God bless America and let’s go get it done, Pennsylvania.

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