Maxine Waters Tells Jim Jordan “Shut Your Mouth” During House Hearing Transcript April 15

Jim Jordan: (00:00)
No, give us some objective standards versus when certain things get reached we might be able to get back to having our liberty. When? What are the numbers?

Dr. Anthony Fauci: (00:12)
Right now, we’re at an unacceptably high level. On a daily basis, it’s unacceptably high, regardless of who you are. What you’re going to see as more and more people get vaccinated and we get over three million people a day, you’re going to see the level of infection come down and down and gradually there will be more flexibility for doing the things that you’re talking.

Jim Jordan: (00:34)
Where does it get to? When it comes down, what number do we get our liberties back? Tell me the number.

Jim Clyburn: (00:40)
When 90% of the members of Congress get vaccinated.

Jim Jordan: (00:44)
But you’re not a doctor, Mr. Clyburn. He is. What is the number?

Dr. Anthony Fauci: (00:47)
I can’t give-

Carolyn Maloney: (00:48)
Thank you for recognizing me, Mr. Clyburn. Thank you for giving me the time.

Jim Clyburn: (00:52)
The Chair now recognizes for five minutes Ms. Maloney.

Jim Jordan: (00:54)
I’d like my question answered! I don’t want [crosstalk 00:00:54]

Carolyn Maloney: (00:54)
Reclaiming my time. Reclaiming my time.

Maxine Waters: (00:56)
Regular order. Regular order.

Jim Jordan: (00:59)

Jim Clyburn: (00:59)
Just a moment.

Maxine Waters: (01:00)
[crosstalk 00:01:00].

Jim Jordan: (01:00)
Mr. Chairman. Mr. Chairman, I don’t want you to answer my question. The American people want Dr. Fauci to answer the question. What does it have to be?

Carolyn Maloney: (01:08)
But your time expired, sir.

Maxine Waters: (01:09)
You need to respect the Chair and shut your mouth.

Jim Clyburn: (01:12)
Don’t worry about this. We’re going to handle this. I think Mr. Jordan knows me very well, and he knows full well that we’re going to handle this. Your time has expired. The Chair now recognizes …

Jim Jordan: (01:25)
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

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