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How to Grow Your Podcast With Faster Transcription


RevBlogMedia & EntertainmentHow to Grow Your Podcast With Faster Transcription

Whether you’ve just launched a podcast or you’ve been in the game for a while, podcasting can be a powerful marketing tool for growing your business. Unfortunately, it requires more than simply hitting ‘record’ and ‘publish.’

The good news?

There’s a fast and straightforward way to reach a broader audience in a shorter period of time, and it’s all through the power of transcription. Doing it the right way can generate powerful results to engage your audience and promote your brand. Learn how transcription can become your most powerful, game-changing ally – allowing you to market your business quickly, efficiently, and affordably. 

Podcast Marketing – Are You on the Right Track? 

If you have a podcast, you know how powerful of a marketing tool it can be to promote yourself and your business – and its popularity isn’t going away anytime soon. In 2004, only 22 percent of Americans were listening to a podcast. But, by early 2021, 222 million Americans (roughly 78 percent, which makes up for ¼ of the American population!) regularly listen to at least one podcast per week.

Hosting a podcast promotes thought leadership and expertise in your industry, offers an exciting creative outlet for speaking, communicating information, and fostering collaboration, and allows you to expand your business into brand new markets. 

While podcasts are more popular than ever, the internet has also become saturated with them – so much so that if you aren’t actively optimizing your podcast (which is critical to growing your audience proactively), you’re falling behind. 

To ensure your podcast reaches the largest audience possible – and engages them from beginning to end, transcripts are one of the easiest ways to leverage your audio into searchable content. 

Rev has definitely helped us out quite a bit on a lot of different fronts. It just made us a lot quicker, and it shows. We’ll continue to rock and roll, using Rev.” – Rodney McMahon II, Head of Post Production at Spotify 

Fast, Accurate Transcription – the Secret Sauce of Podcast Marketing 

Transcripts, which is the process of turning audio or video into text, is one of the quickest and most effective ways to churn the power of podcast marketing in your favor! Here are three top reasons why. 

Benefit #1: Transcripts Ensure Each Podcast Episode is Searchable

Search engines can’t translate audio, making it impossible for podcasters to increase their visibility online based on audio alone.

By converting audio into text, you’re making it simple for major search engines to index you and improve your ranking over time. With so many podcasts your target audience has to choose from, audio transcription leads to higher search engine ranking –like landing on page 1 of Spotify!

As you continue to produce consistently new content and transcribe each episode, you’ll gain momentum in the podcast space due to your ability to climb in rankings. Best of all, fast, accurate transcription is a powerful strategy that allows your marketing engine to produce long-term results.

Benefit #2: Transcripts Improve Engagement

Recent statistics show that over 82% of people who watch social media videos do so with the sound off. By adding a transcript to your podcast description, you’ll increase your audience’s engagement rate, provide additional value to your listeners, and increase the likelihood of them coming back for more.

Benefit #3: Transcripts Create Accessibility for Everyone, Everywhere

What if you transcribe your podcast episodes every once in a while, and you have a decent following… isn’t that enough? Not anymore. If you’re a podcaster, you need to meet accessibility compliance requirements so that everyone (including non-native or deaf visitors) can access your podcast. One of the essential requirements to maintaining compliance is providing transcription.

Expert tip: Post your podcast transcriptions on your website or in the summary description, including keywords relevant to that particular topic. Make sure to link additional, appropriate podcast episode URLs (which should also include a transcript) to the summary section.

Create Fast, Automated Transcripts within Minutes 

Whether your podcast is a side hustle or a significant part of your overall business marketing strategy, Rev is the leader in speech-to-text services, offering automatic transcription services and human transcription for over 170,000 clients worldwide. With flexible options and a fast turnaround time, it’s easier than ever for podcasters to produce transcriptions quickly and accurately based on need, budget, and demand. 

Option #1: Automatic AI-generated Transcription 

Rev’s automatic transcription service is the perfect choice for podcasters with audio files without a lot of background noise or heavy dialects. It’s also ideal for podcasters producing high-volume audio and needs an efficient workflow process that can generate a quick turnaround time.

Powered by Rev’s industry-leading speech recognition transcription technology, transcripts are priced at $0.25 per audio minute and delivered within minutes of placing your order. Like Rev’s free transcription call recorder and Rev’s voice recorder app, transcription tools allow you to record high-quality audio, edit the files directly in the app, and submit them for automatic transcription.  

Option #2: Human Transcription 

Once our AI technology automatically transcribes your file, it’s then sent to a professional transcriptionist to remove any syntax, spelling, or grammatical errors. Ensuring 99 percent accuracy at $1.50 per minute and a quick turnaround time of 24 hours per 30 minutes of audio time, our human transcription is the perfect way to streamline your process, increase engagement with accurate text and ensure your podcast meets compliance across the board. 

Which Option is Right for You?

At Rev, we welcome you to try them both out and see for yourself which one is a better fit. Whether you choose automated, AI-generated transcription or opt for a human’s perfectionist eye, partnering with Rev allows you to power up your podcast marketing to a new level – and one that will act as an instrumental tool in helping your podcast – and business – grow over time.  

Transcripts make an impact, and Rev makes it easier than ever. 

Affordable, fast transcription. 100% Guaranteed.